Heck, it's nearly saturdaymorning again and a brand new episode awaits your dainty ears. Perk em up and get em high.
or in words:
Polar lights - Reflections (Passage)
Guanxi - Pixel (Top40)
Horiso - Walks (Breathe)
Somaticae - Fur EP (Brainstorm lab)
Charles Rice Goff III - The undrugging of Tony Blackpasture (Taped rugs)
Anton Mobin - Floating wood (Greenfield)
Psychaotic - Teratology (Black square)
Measures - Measures (aReW)
10KoneKt - Radiation (Amduscias)
You certainly know where to find us if you read this message. If you don't you're just normal, no problems.
All aboard!!!!